As a non-profit association registered in the commercial register, we are exempt from taxes. Donations of usually at least CHF 100.– to NPSuisse can therefore be deducted from taxes in most cantons.

General donations
The commitment to the interests of people with rare diseases requires not only willingness but also money. Do you want to support the work and the projects of the Swiss Association of Niemann-Pick NPSuisse? Donate any amount to our account at the Post Finance or payment slip.

Postal account: 60-387898-8
IBAN: CH05 0900 0000 6038 7898 8
Beneficiaries: Niemann-Pick NPSuisse Swiss Association, 6314 Unterägeri

On request, we will be happy to send you a deposit slip. Just send us an e-Mail.

Fund to provide support to NP affected families
NPSuisse has set up a fund for specific financial family support on a case by case basis. The goal is to help children, teenagers and adults having difficulties managing life in a Niemann Pick Disease environment. The support is remitted directly or indirectly as a single amount of money. Third parties are supposed to donate into the fund. See regulations.

In case you are interested to help developing the fund, please indicate “fund for specific support” on your payment note.

Opening of legacies
Please contact us. We are happy to take us in a personal interview time to work together to find ways for your support. Send us an e-Mail or call us on 079 208 86 25 (Christoph Poincilit, President).

Thank you for your support!



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